Ornate Glass from Summer 2023

Some of you may remember this intriguing piece of ornate glass recovered from Trench 9 towards the end of the excavation. Harriet Foster has kindly identified it as a decorative piece added to the body of a jug at the bottom of the handle. Without seeing it in person...

Stamped mortaria sherd from summer 2023

Thanks to Alice Lyons our RB pottery specialist the lovely stamped mortarium sherd was conveyed up to Leeds and subjected to the expert attention of Kay Hartley (Kay Hartley Mortarium Archive Project). As an aside, Kay’s archive of mortarium stamps assembled over...

Latest news from the finds tray

A recent promotion from the relative obscurity of the bulk finds assemblage in the barn to the hallowed turf of small finds is this example of an expertly riveted repair to a piece of samian fineware. Hopefully a lowly slave wasn’t responsible for the...

Ooh Errr Missus

Phallic amulet found by Dan the detectorist in the Caistor Hall Hotel garden recently. Nice find. Will thinks it’s a harness pendant Next year’s t-shirt logo perhaps – or perhaps a knitted version from Margaret?

Post Excavation at the Barn

Post excavation work at the barn is in full swing, meeting from 9.30 to 12 ish on Monday and Thursdays mornings. Up to 20 members are turning up regularly while the weather holds and we are currently cleaning and sorting finds before washing and cataloguing. All...

CRP at Dereham History Society

Extract from the Dereham Heritage Trust Newsletter of Summer 2023 June : The Roman Town at Caistor St Edmund, Andy Woodman Andy, Vice Chair of Caistor Roman Project presented a talk, standing in for his Chair, Mike Pinner, who was unable to join us. Caistor Roman...