The CRP barn at Kirby Bedon will reopen on Thursday 30th March. Following the pottery workshop last Friday we will be cataloguing the pottery from the 2022 summer excavation at Friston Field Sessions are on Monday, Thursday and Saturday mornings from 9.30 to 12ish...

Dr Alice Lyons Pottery Workshop 24th March

Dr Alice Lyons will lead a pottery identification workshop for CRP members at the CRP Barn on Friday 24th March from 10am to 3 pm. This will be a popular event and numbers will be limited so please contact Andy Woodman to reserve a...

Bone Identification workshop

There will be a Bone Identification workshop with Paul Clarkson on the 27th March from 9.30 – 12 ish at Great Moulton Chapel. Some of you will have attended the excellent presentation given by Paul, who did the professional report on the 2016 bone assemblage from...

News from the  members’ meeting on 22nd February.

Since some members were unable to access the Zoom link, this is a quick summary of the news that was discussed. The barn. Due to rising costs it will  be necessary to move from our present premises in the near future and seek new arrangements. We have been offered...