Update on Mortarium Stamps 

This was the pristine mortarium stamp recovered during the 2022 excavation on Friston Field. It appears from images of Donald Atkinson’s drawings (courtesy of Nat Harlow) that there were at least 3 known examples of this potter found during his excavations in the town.

This stamped mortarium sherd recovered during the 2023 excavations in the hotel paddock is the stamp of the potter NATIO (text is reversed hence the back to front N). There are at least 4 known examples of this potter depicted in Atkinson’s records (courtesy of Nat Harlow).



















This stamped mortarium sherd recovered during the 2023 excavations in the hotel paddock is the stamp of the potter NATIO (text is reversed hence the back to front N). There are at least 4 known examples of this potter depicted in Atkinson’s records (courtesy of Nat Harlow).
