Wendy Bylett has produced the following update on the CRP Landscape Project.
Any new members interested in participation please contact Wendy directly.
The Landscape Group was renamed Farmstead Project in 2019 as it encompasses field surveys, landscape history and standing buildings.
To date, seven surveys (full and part) have been undertaken in the Bergh Apton area and contact has been made with a further two farms who are happy for us to work with them. One of the farms has an alleged Roman road running through the land and we have been talking to the Roman Roads Association and they are keen to come and do a free geophysical survey.
A total of 27 farms have had desk based research done which includes the following information, where available :-
1. Precise location of the property as an address and in the form of a National Grid Reference.
2. Statutory designation, that is listing, Register of Historic Parks and Gardens and Conservation area.
3. Date when the record was made and name of the recorder and location of archive
4. Description of building type or purpose, historically and at present, its materials and possible date.
5. Names of architects, builders, patrons, and owners.
6. Note of sources, historic maps, other documents.
7. Account of buildings over structure, materials, layout, and successive phases.
8. Account of buildings past and present use and use of individual parts with evidence and
9. Evidence of the existence of former demolished structures.
10. Findings of specialist reports.
11. Account of buildings past and present relationship to its setting, its relationship to local
settlement patterns, man-made features in the landscape, visual importance to the
12. Historical importance of the building in general, and in relation to the location.
In the next phase, specific properties will be targeted where research has shown areas of archaeological interest on the land, e.g. ring ditches, Iron Age, Roman and Saxon recorded finds and aerial photography/LIDAR evidence.
At least five of the 27 farms are of particular interest and further research will involve visits to Norfolk Records Office and contact with the properties themselves.
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